$15 casual session or $19.95PW unlimited.

PT Fitness Albury Wodonga Special Offers

PT Fitness Private Studio is aiming to create the Friendliest Fitness Community where everyone can train towards their Health and Fitness Goals alongside other Members with a Smile on their Face. We want everyone to have fun but also recognise that we take their Desired Results Seriously.

We want members to lose weight, get fitter and get stronger but most importantly start feeling better about themselves both physically and mentally.

We want our Members to love the gym as well as all the people in it and what we stand for.

Project You

Project You

12 Weeks of training, nutrition, support and fun

Kids Group Fitness

Kids Group Fitness

Get the kids off the couch and enjoy a session

Group Training

Group Training

A fun and friendly atmosphere and a really good sweat

Sporting Groups

Sporting Groups

We have worked with many sporting groups

Personal Training

Personal Training

Our private sessions are tailored to suit your goals

Senior Group Fitness

Senior Group Fitness

Senior group fitness classes are a great opportunity to get active

School Groups

School Groups

If you’re looking to get your school involved please contact us

Body Scan

Body Scan

Regularly track your progress with a body scan

Meet our Trainers

A fun and friendly atmosphere
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