28 Days Challenge

Fill out the following form so we can contact you about getting started today!

The 28 days challenge is the best way to take action for your health without the worry of a long-term commitment.

It doesn’t matter if this is the first time you are stepping into a gym or the most experienced of gym-goers, we have a wide variety of classes and trainers who will ensure you get the right workout for you.

On your first appointment, we show you around the gym and run through a goal-setting session that helps us create a plan for you to follow over the 28 days.

This is a personalised experience that works around your current lifestyle habits to ensure you can still get an amazing result but without extreme change.

What You Get:

  • Unlimited Group Fitness Classes
  • 24 Hour Gym Access
  • Nutritional Guidance inc Recipes and Shopping List
  • Goal Setting Session
  • Tons of new Gym Buddies