Is it really a Saving?

Gee that’s a bargain.... 

It can be so easy to get caught thinking your making a “saving” when these ads catch your eye, yet in most cases your actually spending money on something you never intended on buying.

Not only does this impact our wallet it also impacts our health goals!

During these tough isolation periods it’s so easy to enjoy these goodies curled up on the couch or nibbling at the desk. Just remember if YOU buy it YOU’LL eat it!!

Tips to avoiding getting caught up with these “savings”

1. Go shopping with a list and STICK TO IT!

2. Don’t go shopping when your hungry

3. Shop online where you aren’t tempted by these little “savings”

4. Just buy the small size, although the king size may seem cheaper, it isn’t in the long run!

Don’t forget we have our own Resident Nutritionist, Shanayde Daly, visiting every Monday evening for 30 Minute Consultations for our Members so if these “bargains” are catching up with you and you need some guidance with your nutrition and health goals she will be there to help!